

Dancing is a great relaxant and can uplift anyone’s spirit. It is also known to benefit diabetics and can improve cognitive functions and reduce brain atrophy in older adults who are at increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. Most importantly dancing in groups can simply alleviate physical and emotional problems.

Dancing Crown was one such initiative by Sevarat Foundation. On 30th November, 2022 women performed solo dances and group dances. Ranging from classical Indian to folk; from Bollywood to belly dancing their enthusiasm knew no bounds. This will surely be a regular feature in the future too.


The Covid 19 pandemic was a nightmare for the entire world. The older persons were the worst affected due to the isolation imposed during this period. The new normal where relatives and friends had forgotten to visit them, stepping out of the house seemed disorienting and the fears of exposing oneself to the other seemed daunting. Life had turned into a lonely quite box. That’s when we decided to step in and do something albeit small to bring about a change.

Wah! Zindagi! was that initiative to engage with the older persons in various locations across Goa. Those confined to their homes especially the poor, the ones living alone and others who had limited mobility were drawn out of their homes and joined a day long fun and enjoyment event. As the day progressed, their minds were getting free, their inhibitions dropped, their fears overcome, even their aches and pains vanished and that’s when the party began. These otherwise subdued ‘oldies’ turned into a feisty bunch of enthusiastic children. They played and ran and fought and laughed and some even cheated in the games. That’s what being childlike is, isn’t it?

Wah! Zindagi! was a celebration of the lives, challenges, victories, and accomplishments of the older persons . It succeeded in reminding them that their lives matter, and every day can be filled with joy by just letting their hair down and having fun.

Wah! Zindagi! Videos

Wah! Zindagi! Photos




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